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The Most Overrated and Underrated Players in Baseball History
By Jayson Stark
224 Pages, 6 x 9
Formats: Cloth, EPUB, Mobipocket, PDF
Cloth, $24.95 (US $24.95) (CA $27.95)
ISBN 9781572439597
Rights: WOR
Triumph Books (Apr 2007)
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Every baseball fan knows New York Yankee shortstop Derek Jeter is a great all-around player. But how about Alex Rodriguez, Jeter's teammate, former American League MVP, and probable future Hall of Famer? Many would argue he's even better than Jeter. And what about Jeter's seemingly unassailable status as one of the greatest Yankees of all time? Such discussions highlight one of the great joys of being a baseball fan: arguing over who's really great and who falls just short, who doesn't get the respect he deserves and who gets too much. In other words, who's overrated and who's underrated.Author Biography
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Since the first gameof baseball was played in the 1800s, fans have argued about the most over-hyped and underlooked players of all-time – from smoky bars to sports-talk radio to living rooms across the country.For the first time ever, ESPN’s Jayson Stark hassolved the age-old argument in The Stark Truth: The Most Overrated and Underrated Players in Baseball History.
Gone are team and/or player biases. No more hometown sympathies. It took a journalist with an unbiased bent, someone who used facts, did theresearch andsifted through thousands of statistics tosettle once and for all who has benefited from positive sympathies all these years and who has been forgotten even though he proved to be “biggest bargain since the 99-cent quesadilla.”
Team loyalists will be also be intrigued to read Stark’s rankings of the most overrated and underrated players from each franchise. Fans will be stunned to see their beloved heroes such as Ernie Banks and Joe Carter labeled as overrated and the nicknames tagged on them by Stark. The Stark Truth finally brings closure to this classic debate.