Syracuse Basketball Titles
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100 Things Syracuse Fans Should Know & Do Before They Die (4 Formats) ›By Scott Pitoniak, Foreword by Floyd Little
Trade Paper Price 18.95
Trade Paper, PDF, EPUB, Mobipocket
ISBN 9781600789885Published Oct 2014
<P style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt" class=MsoNormal>Most Syracuse fans and alumni have seen a game at Carrier Dome, have seen highlights of a young Dwight Freeney and Carmelo Anthony, and know the story of the 2003 NCAA National Champion men’s basketball team. But only real fans know the history of Archbold Stadium, the words to “Down the Field,” or what Otto the Orange’s name could have been originally. <I>100 Things Syracuse Fans Should Know & Do Before They Die</I> is the ultimate resource guide for true fans of the Syracuse Orange and, whether you’re a die-hard booster from the days of Jim Brown or a current student at the university, these are the 100 things all fans needs to know and do in their lifetime. Author Scott Pitoniak has collected every essential piece of Orange knowledge and trivia, as well as must-do activities, and ranks them all, providing an entertaining and easy-to-follow checklist as you progress on your way to fan superstardom.
Color Him Orange ›By Scott Pitoniak
Price 19.95
Trade Paper
ISBN 9781600787843Published Oct 2012
<P style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt" class=MsoNormal>Identifying the sources of Basketball Hall of Fame coach Jim Boeheim’s fierce competitive drive and loyalty to Syracuse, this fascinating study of the record-setting coach details everything from the effects of his small town upbringing in upstate New York to the years the team fell just short of the title. The book examines the people who shaped Boeheim as an individual and a coach, the great players he has led, and his incredible devotion to raising money in hopes of eradicating cancer—which claimed both of his parents' lives and threatened his own. This revised paperback edition includes a section about the tumultuous and exciting 2011–2012 season, in which the Orange dealt with allegations against former assistant Bernie Fine while maintaining the No. 1 rank for several weeks and advancing to the Elite Eight.