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Nimble Leader Volume I
Nimble Leader Volume I (3 Formats) ›
By Andrew Ortyn
PDF Price 8.99

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ISBN 9781633192690

Published May 2015

<div><span style="font-size: 11.9999990463257px;">Throughout  </span><em style="font-size: 11.9999990463257px;">Nimble Leader</em><span style="font-size: 11.9999990463257px;">  (six volume series), we explore key concepts that have proven to be practical, useful, and applicable to achieving sustained improvement in business performance over the long term.   In </span><em style="font-size: 11.9999990463257px;">Volume I: Create Unrelenting Focus</em><span style="font-size: 11.9999990463257px;"> </span><em style="font-size: 11.9999990463257px;">On Achieving Results,</em><span style="font-size: 11.9999990463257px;"> you are exposed to the ‘five touchpoints’ that meld strategy with leadership behavior to deliver outstanding business results:  (1) Market Position – what you </span><em style="font-size: 11.9999990463257px;">stand for</em><span style="font-size: 11.9999990463257px;"> in the minds of your customers – is EVERYTHING; (2) Your ability to ‘give and receive’ information sits at the epicenter of decision-making, speed, execution, and performance; (3) Six variables!  A quantitative and facile understanding of how Market Position relates to Price management, Volume sales, product and service Mix, Cost expenditures, and Working Capital management is absolutely essential to delivering tangible business results; (4) A quest to build self-awareness within, among, and across leaders in your organization is the starting point to effecting change in leadership behavior;  (5) Practice, practice, practice.  Then . . . practice some more.  Think of one example of demonstrated excellence where practice was not a critical element in achieving excellence.  Not possible!  </span><em style="font-size: 11.9999990463257px;">Volume I of Nimble Leader </em><span style="font-size: 11.9999990463257px;">represents a synopsis, a CliffsNotes, of the entire </span><em style="font-size: 11.9999990463257px;">Nimble Leader Series</em><span style="font-size: 11.9999990463257px;">. We give you everything, up front!  The five touchpoints are then expounded upon in much greater depth in </span><em style="font-size: 11.9999990463257px;">Volumes II – VI</em><span style="font-size: 11.9999990463257px;">.  In reading </span><em style="font-size: 11.9999990463257px;">Volume I of Nimble Leader</em><span style="font-size: 11.9999990463257px;">, you are provided the flexibility to choose additional volumes that warrant further drilldown, exploration, and reflection – at your own pace!</span></div>
Nimble Leader Volume II
Nimble Leader Volume II (3 Formats) ›
By Andrew Ortyn
PDF Price 8.99

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ISBN 9781633192720

Published May 2015

<span style="font-size: 11.9999990463257px;">Throughout  </span><em style="font-size: 11.9999990463257px;">Nimble Leader</em><span style="font-size: 11.9999990463257px;">  (six volume series), we explore key concepts that have proven to be practical, useful, and applicable to achieving sustained improvement in business performance over the long term.   </span><em style="font-size: 11.9999990463257px;">In Volume II: What Do You Stand For?, </em><span style="font-size: 11.9999990463257px;">you will explore the critical relationship between CASH (the lifeblood of any business) and Market Position, what you </span><em style="font-size: 11.9999990463257px;">stand for</em><span style="font-size: 11.9999990463257px;"> in the minds of your customers.  You will delve into positioning examples for three different companies; see the unambiguous impact of divergent points of view; understand the power and sway of closely held beliefs on the direction of your business.  In reading </span><em style="font-size: 11.9999990463257px;">Volume II of Nimble Leader, </em><span style="font-size: 11.9999990463257px;"> our hope is that you develop a deep appreciation for why Market Position and the act of </span><em style="font-size: 11.9999990463257px;">positioning </em><span style="font-size: 11.9999990463257px;">your business is so critically important to achieving success in a dynamic, complex, and fast-paced market environment.</span><div> </div>
Nimble Leader Volume III
Nimble Leader Volume III (3 Formats) ›
By Andrew Ortyn
PDF Price 8.99

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ISBN 9781633192751

Published May 2015

<span style="font-size: 11.9999990463257px;">Throughout  </span><em style="font-size: 11.9999990463257px;">Nimble Leader</em><span style="font-size: 11.9999990463257px;">  (six volume series), we explore key concepts that have proven to be practical, useful, and applicable to achieving sustained improvement in business performance over the long term.   In </span><em style="font-size: 11.9999990463257px;">Volume III: Position Your Business</em><span style="font-size: 11.9999990463257px;">, you will harness the power of alternative perspectives</span><strong style="font-size: 11.9999990463257px;">.</strong><span style="font-size: 11.9999990463257px;">  Market Position and positioning your business </span><em style="font-size: 11.9999990463257px;">is everything!</em><span style="font-size: 11.9999990463257px;">  Do it well, and like a tree planted by still waters, your business will grow, flourish, and expand at a dramatic rate.  You will reap significant rewards in customer satisfaction, customer loyalty, first-to-market innovation, strong brand identity, and a vibrant organizational climate as happy employees – who can hardly wait to get to work because they are involved in something bigger than themselves – serve the needs of customers who would be at a loss without the products and services offered by your company.  In reading </span><em style="font-size: 11.9999990463257px;">Volume III of Nimble Leader</em><span style="font-size: 11.9999990463257px;">, you will explore both a roadmap and a process to help mark your way as you position your business.  You will move from theory to application.  You will learn how to deconstruct closely held perspectives; uncover the value of different points of view; and then use this understanding of value to build a robust Statement of Market Position – the signature identity for your business in a crowded and noisy marketplace.  Importantly, you will link what your business </span><em style="font-size: 11.9999990463257px;">stands for</em><span style="font-size: 11.9999990463257px;"> in the minds of your customers to what they are willing to pay for your company’s products and services.  The CASH transaction is the great clarifier. Customers will only execute the sale if they believe what they are getting is of greater value than what they are giving up – namely CASH.  </span><em style="font-size: 11.9999990463257px;">Volume III of Nimble Leader </em><span style="font-size: 11.9999990463257px;">makes this critical connection.  </span><div> </div>
Nimble Leader Volume IV
Nimble Leader Volume IV (3 Formats) ›
By Andrew Ortyn
PDF Price 8.99

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ISBN 9781633192782

Published May 2015

<div>Throughout  <em>Nimble Leader</em>  (six volume series), we explore key concepts that have proven to be practical, useful, and applicable to achieving sustained improvement in business performance over the long term.   In <em>Volume IV: Boring Numbers? Make Them Sing and Dance!</em>, you will move from the foundational importance of defining Market Position to the critical relevance of understanding financial statements.  Different groups within different organizations speak their own language; and oftentimes, they develop a world view that is shaped by their experiences.  However, if you speak ‘sales’, you may not speak ‘engineering’.  If you speak ‘operations’, you may not speak ‘new product development’.   The one language that cuts across all of the different groups is the language of numbers, and in particular, financial numbers.  <em>Volume IV of Nimble Leader</em> demystifies financial statements and key measures of business performance.  You are exposed to the numbers – the financials – through the eyes of a ‘business operator’.  Business operators only value the financials to the extent they provide assistance in making better business decisions.  They focus only on those numbers over which they have the ability to impact.  In reading <em>Volume IV</em> <em>of Nimble Leader </em>you will make the connection between strong financial results, a strong Market Position, and the act of positioning your business to uniquely and specifically address customer need!<br /></div>
Nimble Leader Volume V
Nimble Leader Volume V (3 Formats) ›
By Andrew Ortyn
PDF Price 8.99

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ISBN 9781633192812

Published May 2015

<div>Throughout  <em>Nimble Leader</em>  (six volume series), we explore key concepts that have proven to be practical, useful, and applicable to achieving sustained improvement in business performance over the long term.   In <em>Volume V: Tools for Profit</em>, you will explore axioms for improving business results.  Collectively – Market Position, Price, Volume, Mix, Cost, and Operating Working Capital represent what we call the Tools for Profit.  They are all interrelated.  Together, they represent a powerful framework for how you think, analyze, discuss, and act upon your business in ways that result in improved business performance, improved Operating Profit and improved Cash-flow . . . the lifeblood of every business.  The greater the level of ‘common’ understanding of the Tools for Profit by employees within and across your business’s functional areas, the greater the speed, flexibility, and depth of response your organization has relative to how you respond to fast-changing market pressures in a dynamic world.  In reading <em>Volume V of Nimble Leader</em>, you will focus on making money!  You will learn to relate Market Position – what you <em>stand for</em> in the minds of your customers – to the Price you charge; the Volume of products and services you sell; the Mix of your offering; the Cost you incur to grow your business; and the amount of Operating Working Capital – short term investment – required to support the ongoing operation of your business.   At a very fundamental level, you will also learn the ‘relative’ financial impact of deploying the different Tools for Profit in pursuit of profitable business.   You will even explore the impact and power of the dreaded price increase – the most powerful Tool for Profit!  <br /></div>
Nimble Leader Volume VI
Nimble Leader Volume VI (3 Formats) ›
By Andrew Ortyn
PDF Price 8.99

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ISBN 9781633192843

Published May 2015

<div>Throughout  <em>Nimble Leader</em>  (six volume series), we explore key concepts that have proven to be practical, useful, and applicable to achieving sustained improvement in business performance over the long term.   In <em>Volume VI: Results Matter!</em>, you will shift your attention from theory to application.  As Winston Churchill said, &quot;It is no use saying, &#39;We are doing our best.&#39; You have to succeed in doing what is necessary.”  Like waves lapping the shoreline, certain activities will generate Operating Profit and Cash-flow, only to recede with the need for new waves to take their place.  <em>Short-term</em>, you might generate profit and CASH through actions in the areas of Cost reduction and Working Capital management.  <em>Mid-term</em>, you might generate profit and CASH through growing Volume and the judicious use of the Price increase<em>.  Long-term</em>, you need to infuse the market with new products that ultimately alter product and service Mix, replenishing the streams of Operating Profit and Cash-flow at higher margin.  When you think about managing your business to higher more profitable ground, the process can be messy and the outcome uncertain.  However, if you fail to take risk, you run the risk of missing out on significant opportunities that might add to your bottom line. Understanding the Tools for Profit and the relationships between Market Position, Price, Volume, Mix, Cost and Working Capital management is not the same as applying the Tools for Profit. Understanding the Tools for Profit implies the skill to take action.  Applying the Tools for Profit implies the will to take action.  In reading <em>Volume VI of Nimble Leader</em>, you will learn specific steps and explore different examples that will assist you in <em>applying </em>the Tools for Profit to improve your business performance!<br /></div>
Nimble Leader Volumes I - VI
Nimble Leader Volumes I - VI (3 Formats) ›
By Andrew Ortyn
PDF Price 44.99

PDF, EPUB, Mobipocket

ISBN 9781633194403

Published May 2015

Strategy.  Leadership Behavior.  Results.  The three need to mesh for good things to happen in any business, including your own. The data, decisions, and processes that result in a game plan to improve business results all reside in parallel universes—one analytical and one interpersonal.  The analytical side of business is easy; it doesn't talk back!  The tricky part is capitalizing on the opportunities while at the same time managing the interpersonal dynamics and the inherent conflicts that arise from competing points of view.  The Nimble Leader eBook Series melds strategy, leadership behavior, and results in ways that help leaders lead and equips them to better negotiate a dynamic and turbulent marketplace. Throughout this six-volume set, you will explore key concepts that have proven to be practical, useful, and applicable to achieving sustained improvement in business performance over the long run.  Nimble Leader focuses on the critical few concepts that are essential to business success.  If you are able to truly understand and apply the critical few, you are in a much better position to manage the urgent many . . . when the bullets start to fly! 
Searching in St. Andrews
Searching in St. Andrews (3 Formats) ›
By Sean Zak
Cloth Price 28.00

Cloth, PDF, EPUB

ISBN 9781637273326

Published Apr 2024

<strong>When Sean Zak arrived in St. Andrews, Scotland&mdash;the mecca of golf&mdash;he was determined to spend his summer in search of the game&#39;s true essence.</strong><br /><br />He found it everywhere&mdash;in the dirt, firm and proper, a sandy soil that you don&#39;t see in America. He found it in the people who inherited the game from their grandparents, who inherited it from their grandparents. He found it in the structures that prop up the game&mdash;cheap memberships and &ldquo;private courses&rdquo; that aren&rsquo;t private at all.<br /><br />At every turn he also found LIV Golf, the Saudi-backed entity which descended on the professional circuit during that summer of the 150th Open Championship. Zak&#39;s personal personal pilgrimage now offered him a front-row seat at a cultural reckoning, one which pitted the game&#39;s longstanding customs against a divisive new force.<br /><br /><em>Searching in St. Andrews</em> is the vivid chronicle of an unforgettable sojourn in the birthplace of golf, informed by sublime mornings on the Old Course playing with just four clubs, evenings spent analyzing legal documents riddled with greed, and the singular characters he encountered along the way.<br /><br />Readers will meet a 92-year-old who just learned how to putt, explore the many differences between Golf Over There and Golf Over Here, and even experience caddying on the PGA Tour, from deciphering the yardage books to keeping your player on time to drinking until sunrise after you&rsquo;ve missed the cut.<br /><br /><strong>Written with heartfelt curiosity and charm, this is an essential portrait of golf amid the crosswinds of tradition, progress, and power.</strong>
Golf ›
Compiled by John Glover, Photographs by David Cannon, By Royal and Ancient Golf Club of St. Andrews


ISBN 9781572432840

Published Apr 1997

The Royal and Ancient Golf Club of St. Andrews became the Governing Authority for the Rules of Golf approximately 100 years ago and since that time more than 100 national associations have become affiliated. This book, in celebration for the centenary of the birth of the Rules Committee, will entertain and inspire every reader who enjoys the great game of golf. Stunning photographs of well-known professional players capture many different situations, some amusing—to the viewer—which any golfer might encounter during play.
100 Things Buckeyes Fans Should Know & Do Before They Die
100 Things Buckeyes Fans Should Know & Do Before They Die (4 Formats) ›
By Andrew Buchanan
Trade Paper Price 18.95

Trade Paper, PDF, EPUB, Mobipocket

ISBN 9781600789892

Published Sep 2014

A Band of Misfits
A Band of Misfits (7 Formats) ›
By Andrew Baggarly, Foreword by Duane Kuiper
Trade Paper Price 12.95

Trade Paper, PDF, PDF, EPUB, EPUB, Mobipocket, Mobipocket

ISBN 9781629370989

Published Apr 2015

<P style=&#34;MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt&#34; class=MsoNormal>With a title drought that started in New York and carried on for more than five decades after the move to the west coast, the San Francisco Giants and their fans were growing restless, waiting for a team like the 2010 roster and that one magical postseason run. The anticipation, memories, and celebrated relief of the season when it finally came together are captured in this chronicle of the World Series season of the Giants. Written in entertaining prose, the book is as much an enjoyable story to be reread through the years as it is a factual account of the events that brought the elusive title to the Giants.
Strangers in the Bronx
Strangers in the Bronx (4 Formats) ›
By Andrew O'Toole, Foreword by Marty Appel
Cloth Price 25.95

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ISBN 9781629370279

Published Jun 2015

<P class=MsoNormal style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 10pt">Rare is the athlete who captures the imagination of a generation. In Joe DiMaggio and Mickey Mantle, sports culture had two such figures. Undoubtedly, DiMaggio and Mantle are two of the most revered names in baseball literature. However, there is one particular moment that has been overlooked by baseball historians and writers: the 1951 pennant-winning New York Yankees team—DiMaggio’s last year and Mantle’s rookie season. For that one year, the paths of these two baseball icons converged, the naissance of Mantle’s career poignantly juxtaposed with the slow descent of DiMaggio’s final season. <I style="mso-bidi-font-style: normal">Strangers in the Bronx</I> is more than a chronicle of a pennant-winning team, it is also a study of heroes: the decline of an all-too mortal American icon and the emergence of the newest sensation in sport.<?xml:namespace prefix = "o" ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /><o:p></o:p>
Giant Splash
Giant Splash (4 Formats) ›
By Andrew Baggarly
Cloth Price 25.95

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ISBN 9781629370316

Published May 2015

<div>In <em>Giant Splash</em>, San Francisco Giants beat reporter Andrew Baggarly tells fans the stories behind the most memorable moments since the Giants moved to their sparkling new ballpark on the shores of McCovey Cove in 2000. This detailed account includes Kenny Lofton&rsquo;s single in Game 5 of the 2002 National League Championship Series, Barry Bonds hitting home runs number 71 and 72 to set a new record, Jonathan Sanchez throwing the first Giants no-hitter since 1976, the team&rsquo;s 2010 and 2012 World Series wins, and more. The most memorable moments are recalled: the people, the players, and the managers who ushered in a golden age by the Bay.</div>
100 Things Wild Fans Should Know & Do Before They Die
100 Things Wild Fans Should Know & Do Before They Die (4 Formats) ›
By Dan Myers, Foreword by Andrew Brunette
Trade Paper Price 16.95

Trade Paper, PDF, EPUB, Mobipocket

ISBN 9781629375120

Published Nov 2019

Featuring traditions, records, and lore, this lively, detailed book explores the personalities, events, and facts every Minnesota Wild fan should know. Whether you greeted the team at its inception or whether you're a more recent supporter of Zach Parise and Ryan Suter, these are the 100 things every fan needs to know and do in their lifetime. Team reporter Dan Myers has collected every essential piece of Wild knowledge and trivia, as well as must-do activities, and ranks them all from 1 to 100, providing an entertaining and easy-to-follow checklist as you progress on your way to fan superstardom.
Baker Mayfield
Baker Mayfield (4 Formats) ›
By Andrew Gribble
Trade Paper Price 15.95

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ISBN 9781629377469

Published Sep 2019

This book is the ultimate tribute to the Cleveland Browns' rapidly ascending quarterback Baker Mayfield, whose prodigious talent and winning personality have made him one of the brightest new stars in the NFL. Including dozens of full-color photographs, fans are provided a glimpse into Mayfield's superb play early in his career, as he leads the franchise back into contention. This book also explores Mayfield's early life and unconventional college path as a walk-on at Texas Tech and then Oklahoma— then looks ahead to where he could one day stack up among legendary Browns like Bernie Kosar, Jim Brown, and Joe Thomas.