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Vanstone, RobVanstone, Rob | Alt 1
Vanstone, RobVanstone, Rob | Alt 1
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Rob Vanstone

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Brave Face
Brave Face (3 Formats) ›
By Rob Vanstone
Cloth Price 28.00

Cloth, PDF, EPUB

ISBN 9781637272169

Published Nov 2023

<strong>A fascinating and immersive chronicle of hockey&#39;s original maskless warriors</strong><br /><br />More than 400 stitches decorated Terry Sawchuk&#39;s face during his 16 years as a goaltender in the National Hockey League, the result of high-speed collisions and slapshots that whizzed directly at his skull. All in a day&#39;s work for an elite goalie of his era.<br /><br />Before facemasks became standard equipment in the 1960s and &#39;70s, men like Sawchuk, Glenn Hall, and Jacques Plante&mdash;the first goalie to ever wear a mask in the NHL&mdash;put their bodies on the line in the name of hockey, enduring broken bones, damaged organs, and even psychological turmoil.<br /><br />In this thoroughly researched book, Rob Vanstone illuminates the stories of these intrepid warriors while examining how the goaltender position has changed throughout the decades. As masks evolved from ghoulish-looking creations not out of place in horror films to today&#39;s caged helmets with custom artwork, goalies&#39; body positioning and tactics were similarly transformed along with NHL regulations.<br /><br /><strong>Told with charm and verve, this is an essential portrait of a uniquely brutal and harrowing chapter in hockey history.</strong>
100 Things Roughriders Fans Should Know & Do Before They Die
100 Things Roughriders Fans Should Know & Do Before They Die (4 Formats) ›
By Rob Vanstone, Foreword by Dave Ridgway
Trade Paper Price 22.95

Trade Paper, PDF, EPUB, Mobipocket

ISBN 9781629376448

Published Nov 2019

Featuring traditions, records, and lore from over a century of Saskatchewan Roughriders history, this guide is the ultimate resource for Rider Nation. Whether you've traveled to countless away games or are a more recent supporter, these are the 100 things every fan needs to know and do in their lifetime. Veteran sportswriter Rob Vanstone has collected every essential piece of Rider knowledge and trivia, as well as must-do activities, and ranks them all from 1 to 100, providing an entertaining and easy-to-follow checklist as you progress on your way to fan superstardom.