Titles by Muscle & Fitness
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Titles Found: 6
101 High-Intensity Workouts for Fast Results (4 Formats) ›By Muscle & Fitness
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ISBN 9781600783388Published Jan 2010
Aimed towards anyone tired of spending countless hours training with weights and doing cardio and without seeing additional gains, 101 High-Intensity Workouts For Fast Results provides a lifetime of workouts that continually increase lean muscle mass and reduce body fat using scientifically proven methods of short, high-intensity bouts of training.

101 Muscle-Building Workouts & Nutrition Plans (4 Formats) ›Edited by Muscle & Fitness
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ISBN 9781600785139Published Jan 2011
In 101 Muscle-Building Workouts & Nutrition Plans, the staff of editors, scientists, and expert trainers at the acclaimed magazine Muscle & Fitness provide the very best lifting advice they have to offer. The various training programs contained here are all cutting-edge—backed by scientific research and proven time and again in the trenches by novice and professional athletes alike. With multiple full body programs ranging all the way from four weeks to three months, readers are covered for years to come. To support efforts at the gym, comprehensive meal plans ensure the maximizing of muscle mass while also increasing energy levels and maintaining overall health. Whether the goal is to make good on a New Years resolution or get in shape for the summer, this reference provides all of the useable information needed.
101 Workouts For Men (4 Formats) ›By Michael Berg, NSCA-CPT, Edited by Muscle & Fitness
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ISBN 9781600780240Published Jan 2008
Muscle & Fitness magazine has provided a program of rapid-fire core workouts for those seeking to “get moving” on a weight-training fitness program or for those who wish to expand, freshen-up, and enhance their workout regimen. There are 101 photo-illustrated workouts that allow enthusiasts the opportunity to glance at the photo during a workout to check their faithful following of the routine. Whether a novice or an experienced weight trainer, the chapters offer different programs for levels of progress as well as a guide to designing personalized workout systems. Moreover, fitness and well-being are considered with a presentation on cardio primer and a feature on basic fitness nutrition as well. 101 Workouts For Men provides a complete one-stop get-fit package for fitness enthusiasts.
101 Strength Training Workouts & Strategies (4 Formats) ›By Muscle & Fitness
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ISBN 9781600785863Published Dec 2011
From the editors of Muscle & Fitness magazine, which has been excelling in the area of physique transformation for over 70 years, this book is built on the foundation that the key to a strong, healthy body is an effective muscle and strength-training program. This health provides all the guidance needed to achieve workout goals and have a muscular body.
101 Fat-Burning Workouts & Diet Strategies For Men (4 Formats) ›By Michael Berg, NSCA-CPT, Edited by Muscle & Fitness
Trade Paper Price 14.95
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ISBN 9781600782053Published Dec 2008
The perfect resource for anyone looking to lose weight and look great, this health guide includes easy-to-follow cardio and weight training routines, recipes, and meal plans. Following on the heels of the ultra-successful Triumph titles, 101 Workouts and 101 Workouts for Women, is a new book in the "101" series that delivers even more breakthrough fitness advice for people of all ages. In 101 Fat-Burning Workouts & Diet Strategies for Men, the editors of Muscle & Fitness magazine provide expert workouts, high-energy cardio routines, body-sculpting meal plans, and tasty low-fat recipes.
The Big Book of Abs (3 Formats) ›Edited by Muscle & Fitness
PDF Price 12.99
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ISBN 9781623686918Published Oct 2007
In this guidebook to health, the editors of <I>Muscle & Fitness</I> magazine provide a five week plan as well as tips and strategies to get—and stay—motivated in obtaining well defined and toned abs. There are more than 70 workout routines presented with full-color photos to guide readers in the best possible way to achieve the goal of that tight “six-pack.” Throughout all the fitness routines there are informative tips and fast facts to make sure readers are performing the exercise in the safest and most effective manner. Additionally, to complete the workout program, instruction in nutrition to ensure one’s body is getting the proper mix of protein or carbohydrates just when it needs them is included.