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Torii Hunter

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The Code
The Code (3 Formats) ›
By Ross Bernstein, Foreword by Rob Dibble, Foreword by Torii Hunter, Foreword by Jack Morris
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ISBN 9781623681005

Published Mar 2008

<P style=&#34;MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt&#34; class=MsoNormal>In <I>The Code: Baseball&#39;s Unwritten Rules and Its Ignore-at-Your-Own-Risk Code of Conduct</I>, author Ross Bernstein has pulled back the curtain on baseball&#39;s tacit rules regarding retaliation, sportsmanship, and intimidation. The result of dozens of interviews with some of the biggest names in the game, this work&#160;is a systematic description of every major &#34;unwritten rule&#34; in the game today&#8212;from brushback pitches, bunting during a no-hitter, and running up the score, to home-run celebrations, stealing signs, and the use of performance-enhancing drugs.